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Tea Plant Cuttings vs. Seedlings

  So you have decided you want to multiply some tea plants and you are wondering if you should use cuttings or start plants from seed. Let's look at each one to help you decide. And watch our YouTube short to learn which one we use here on the farm. Tea Plant Cuttings How to get a tea plant cutting: To get a cutting you will cut the medium part between the new growth and the woody stem. Let it sit in the shade for 1 hour. You will need to leave two leaves and two nodes on the stem. These are planted in deep pots with good soil. No rooting hormone is necessary. Place the cutting under shade cloth...

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Is all caffeine the same?

Is all caffeine the same? In reality all caffeine from different sources both synthetic and natural are not measurably distinguishable from each other in their makeup. Their molecules are the same. But when your caffeine is mixed with other compounds there are some findings that show a change in the caffeine’s impacts on the body. It is thought that when you drink caffeine from tea it will not impact you the same as caffeine from an energy drink or coffee.  Let’s jump in and take a deeper look at caffeine. Where is caffeine derived from? Caffeine has two sources.  Natural Sources - There are over 60 natural sources for caffeine. A few common examples include plants such as Camellia Sinensis...

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Cold Brewing Tea

Unleash the flavor with cold brewed tea  Cold brewing tea is a method that comes with both advantages and risks. We are going to run through all the questions from how to cold brew, why you should an what are the risks? How do you cold brew tea? Unlike traditional hot brewing methods, cold brew involves steeping tea leaves in cold water or warm water for an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. Why would you want to cold brew your tea? This slow extraction process yields a bolder, less astringent tea with a smoother mouthfeel and naturally lower caffeine content. This method is great for all teas but with Oolong teas in particular it can be an excellent way to...

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Should you microwave tea?

Microwaved Tea: Friend or Foe?  There's nothing quite like a soothing cup of tea on a chilly day. But in the rush of modern life, convenience often trumps tradition. This begs the question: is microwaving your tea a quick and dirty hack, or a recipe for disappointment? The Case for Convenience: Those that love the microwave method love its speed and simplicity. No kettle, no stovetop – just pop in your tea and water in a mug, zap it, and voila! Instant warm beverage. Some studies even suggest that microwaving unlocks more caffeine and antioxidants, potentially boosting the health benefits. But Hold Your Horses: Science throws a splash of cold water on these claims. Microwaves heat liquids unevenly, creating hot spots...

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